The Time Zone Travelers - Chapter 5

Mary. He is conflicted and surrenders to his new life of doom without his support team.

Bob stays near home to watch a car accident unfold before his eyes every morning. He stands with a cup of coffee set on top a stoop and a bag of popcorn in one hand, as though he were watching a movie on repeat.

After a while he began to grow bored. He decided to go on dates passing the curse on till he finally he made it back. Everyone is happy for his return.

He claims he was able to slip out the time loop because of a break in the loop that allowed him to come back. 

The group wonders where John and Mary were and asked Bob had he seen John and Mary?

“No, I didn’t see them.” Bob replied.

After signing off from the group chat he knows his lies will catch up eventually in addition he slumps in his chair pulling his hair.

"I fucked up so bad, I'm so sorry for what I've done."

The group also wonders if they are cursed with what they call the “Kiss Traveler Disease.”

For future guidance and references they all made a pack for every jump to bury a time capsule. Mount Eden’s church graveyard chosen for it’s perfect location and isolation, closed for decades.

James Starbright interest in Tibetan monk practices brings him a breakthrough in his science experiments. He begins figuring out a way to stabilize his condition and shared it with his pod of friends. 

It requires kissing another person while administering the treatment. However, in one failed experiment, Daniel time traveled millions of years into the past. In-between jumps, he meets with others in his situation and comparing notes along the way. 

James is obsessed with trying to find a cure. In another experiment, he decides to make the jump for the good of science. This time, he finds himself in the pre-human evolution era. 

James life is in danger, he is chased after by 10 feet creatures which leaves him perplexed, he must fight off these animals which not known to paleontologists and the world, attacked from behind his bag is ripped open and the content of clothes is eating by the creature, while other predictors kept pursuit of James he bleeds from his lower backside. Running through the wilderness and down a river he stumbles across a cave and sought refuge. 

One day, while foraging for food, he saves another human being’s life, named Jack P. Church. He tells him a woman by the name of Sonia Esperanto turned his life upside down. Over the ridge he claims are hominoids who will kill anything near their area of domain. 

When a dinosaur chases them into a cave and onto a beach, they are forced to kiss one another. They end up in the giant plant era, where killer plants seek flesh. 

After a few days, they realized they could not live in their environment because everything wanted to eat them. They needed to find safety, and they found it in the plains near the beach, a paradise to be seen.

The abundance of life and the fruits and vegetables, along with coconuts and sunflower seeds, would have them sick. The fish, lobsters, and crabs were even worse, to which they nearly died from its poisonous effects.

After awhile, they found horses on the planes, which they thought could be a food source. Unfortunately, when they reached closer, they realized they were not what they seemed. The head of the horse resembled a killer shark; surprisingly, the creature was very peaceful. A herd of elephants entered the field to feed, and their skin and heads looked more like alligators. 

On the beach, they met a lobsterman who saw the poor shape they were in. 

He gave them his morning catch of the day, meant for his own families use and consumption. The men had not eaten in days, and were on the brink of death. The lobsterman showed them where to find edible food and took them to his remote community.  

They were treated well, but for a few who were threatened by their presence alerted officials. When they came for them, in fear the two fled on foot, running between homes and backyard alleys, they came across a road which led to another, when they heard foot steps from behind quickly they hid in the bushes. Soldiers over turned tables and searched homes in the area in addition stabbed the bushes with their bayonet and we're inches away from discovery and a serious injury to James and Jack. The two see a temple from afar made from stone and shells, they met a humanoid with scaly skin and a tail with eyes so large you could hardly see the white in it's eyes. He was sympathetic to their agony but is helpless to their capture.

Shortly after, James and Jack are inslaved along with other ape monkeys and lizard creatures. The homes and buildings are made of seashells, sand, mud, grass, and tree bark. Their culture was similar 

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