The Time Zone Travelers - Chapter 8

Rockstar God deduced to Rabberu. 

The injustice was just too much to witness; incense by the poor treatment Tarlob made a risky breakout effort, inspiring the others to follow suit—successfully.

The compound was then set ablaze, the fire pitted into lava streams while the walls exploded like crumbling burnt caked onto one another… the newly freed just stood and watched in disbelief. 

Slave children clinged onto their parents legs and arms. The starvation of freedom had not completely digested.

The guards that remained were forced to eat poisonous crabs or become a meal on the angry crowds menu, when suddenly a slave shouted amongst the many, “Anyone care for roasted lobster tonight?” making the crowd spontaneously react with joy and laughter. 

Tarlob who escaped on foot into the wilderness with another escape inmate settled in a cave, in no time others too found their way as well as Jobber... instantly they all unanimously nominated him as their leader.

Later Tarlob and Jobber are introduced to the rest of the free slaves.

James requested a private conversation with Jobber. He invites him to collaborate with him on a project to create humans for Jack and himself.

His response was immediate: “It’s impossible.” He said.

One hundred years later, Elon Mining and Tech obtains a voucher and a license from the USAA government. It would allow them to time travel to the past. Elon Mining and Tech is a firm that is desperately searching for new locations rich in minerals and resources.

The year is 2521.

The geologist and scientists surprisingly find the first human prototype thanks to Denial and Jack. Their descendants were a mixed breed of species; they also found Daniel, a fifth clone, who introduced them to the most powerful and revered organization, the Vatazon. 

They also discover Jobber, a six-clone working in his laboratory. He proudly unveils his latest creation to the elders and the newcomer. He has created the first seeds that could grow crops in half the time, in less than six months.

Their empire had populated the world.

Wherever they went, pyramids were built for its energy source, but also for the creation of a stable reality. 

Once their job was done, many returned home. 

The enormity of the project was so immense it took generations to build. They traveled around the world and now in the present time… outer space.

We are them, and they are us!


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