
When you download Mr Stravagar's book(s) please give it a review, so that he can continue to create wonderful contents, if not many or all of his books might cost the next reader a needless purchase. You might be that very person.

Reviews matter and effects book sales. Most revenues will be donated to the authors favorite charities. Gang violence prevention and anti racism and discrimination causes.

Max has sacrifice life's perks for his love of writing, his latest book was hard to put together and promise to read every single review, and try to leave a comment.

The creator of New Crime Fiction author M.G. Stravagar is based in Queens NYC, and partly grew up in the Bronx.

He is queried more than 18 million searches for his online eBooks. Over the years, a number of titles have gone under a change including the author’s name.

Mr Stravagar is a super memory hero, weaving some of his adventures and life experiences into his books, and has never had writers block. He is an animal person and enjoys a nice cold beer watching the games with his buddies.

As a child he fell in love with the written word, so much, that his local library kicked him out for using too much typing paper and told never to come back again this led to code writing and helped form a healthy mistrust of society’s institutions.

Max Stravagar has nicked named his readers and his music fans “The Stravoz” and “The Srabblers”similar to the way millennial musicians and singers have today, and is the first to do so in two different category's.

Max background is White, Jewish, Black and Latino, Gypsy, he is also related to George Washington and President Solon Wilches founder of Santander nation.

Subscribe: to his New Crime Newsletter 

Formerly with Wealth Rights Literary Agency

Email: maxstravagar@gmail.com
Cell: 347-490-9896

In association with Hampton Book Awards.


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