Columbia University sadly Buries Its Own.

It is with great sadness to announce the Pulitzer's Prize died today at around 10/10/21 at 6:66 P.M from complication of gout, greed and cancer of the heart and soul, in addition suffered from bloated and inflated personality disorder.

At the funeral mass the coffin seeped of sulfur and flames could be seen from the open ground at the burial site.

The owner's and directors and jurists all wore black, and cried tears full of blood that dripped from their faces, while thirsty animals rushed to lick the red puddles at their feet, it seemed of a slaughter, like a storm breaking homes and taken lives, even onto peace there is chaos.

Okay on the serious side this is what could happen if they do not get their affairs in order. (Sort of lol)

It is unfortunate in this day and age organizations like the Nobel and Pulitzer are the most prized award for writers and journalist but what is more sad a generation of millennials have also largely fallen for this crazy notion, that a writer would need this award to be considered great, or at least reach #1 on the NY times best sellers list.

While it is understandable sales should be regarded and counted however, the Pulitzer Prize is not deserving of this consideration, their price admission is also ridiculous and should cost no more than rice.

What is needed is apparent, however, they have not reached the same conclusion or consensus to what many believe the appropriate actions they should take, for instants, why have they not celebrated mile stone anniversaries with free admissions to those who have written for more than a certain amount of years? This would give the independent writer and college students struggling to make tuition a level playing field.

This would also say thank you for supporting the Pulitzer all these years, for sure they could absorb the cost even on a limited basis including a registration and time cap is a step in the right direction, but their greed blinds them, paying it forward or giving back is not in their vocabulary or DNA.

Case in point their restricted policy entrance is outdated and only applicants from the U.S.A can apply,  all citizens  from other nations should have that opportunity with some exceptions in subject  matter, like American  history, for example an American author should not win a prize or benefit from another countries history, and Vs' in this day and age that seems pretty logical. The Pulitzer is late to change, their method does not serve a greater purpose. Instead they stick to what they know.

The way they have organized their well oil machine is another generation’s nightmare.

Example: The Fact that the Pulitzer supports racist works is a testament to hypocrisy.

THE BRIEF WONDROUS LIFE of OSCAR WAO won the Pulitzer in 2008 and has forty five “N” words, the alternative should have been used, Negros, or at the very least, spelled with an asterisk (N***er) however, the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award over looked it.

Any Author who uses the ugly demeaning word in print should return his/her cash prize. The Pulitzer and Book Critics Circle Award...etc, should recall all past prize winners that have used racist words in their works, unfortunate this is not an isolated case.

If Joseph Pulitzer was alive today he would pull his hair out, if he knew his name was used as an expensive bank account, and gauged the writer for an exaggerated premium service,  he would roll in his grave. (BTW where are the gift baskets worth more than 50k?) you certainly do  not get to drive off the car lot with a brand new BMW or Benz.

These are some of the standards many people have in their mind's when they think of the Pulitzer, only to be disappointed or surprised as to how little the winners receive a fifth-teen thousand dollar check.

Heck, even the national spelling B contest winners, receives fourth five grand, a nice sum of money for a bunch of kids.

They have rightfully earned the moniker name “Bochicola Awards” for the death of many great writers who are not recognized, you can also add Cheap Racist to that ever growing list.

Make your free submission here to “THE WORLD PULITZER” in association with Hampton Book award's.

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