A Short-Cut to Selling Your Books!

For those of you who are the creative type may find yourself in a place not of your own making, usually it arrives after your creation, people and fans will react to your work not as you might expected, in my own experience, a big fat silent treatment, became the norm and with echoes of frogs ribbiting, the feedback and reviews was like getting water from a stone.

The frustration mounting, and after ten years with no sales, and trying to get Hollywood to adapt my books was a complete failure, what I didn’t realize at the time, I was not alone, millions of writers has had a similar range of experience.

At the time I didn’t have any money, meant I could not promote my book properly.

Therefore my books ploubled, wright into the who cares pile, which the algorithm gods rewarded me plenty…with thousands of stab wounds.

The grace period with most book sites is a small window, I would advise any new writer to avoid sites like Amazon unless you have promotion funds.

Don’t give up if you find your books suffocating from a lack of air or abandonment issues. There’s hope and help. 

Write your next best book, once you have two or three in your bag you are far more likely to sell, but always promote your blogs on social media and ping my URL sites.

People will see how serious you are and may take a chance and buy your book.

For reviews and star ratings you’ll have to ask for them in a unique way.

Though it is not originally my my idea.

I begun to place this tag blurb on all my books and blogs.

If you can prove you bought my books and gave it a review, I’ll refund you...upon request.

Why? well in todays climate reviews are more valuable and a precious commodity, worth it’s weight in money over the long term.

For people who want to support but don’t want to sit and read a long shit load of pages regardless of quality of content.

Add this in your promotion tools.

This one I can say is mine.

Hi, I just wrote a new book everyone.


I am asking for an easy #quickrate support and a #QuickRateMeNow on (booksite/bookstore name here)

Then leave your (links here)

#writerslift #WritersCommunity #WritingCommunity

If you want to support add this below.

Hey everyone need a #quickrate leave your links below.

The purpose for this is to boost ranking and have free eyeballs land on your Amazon page…etc without  the use of any sale ads.

This works best for the starving writer or for the author looking for an edge on pre ad promotion.

I've tried all of these methods, you might have better luck too.

Good luck everyone.

You can pick up any of my free ebooks at smashwords 

For a limited time.... today only.

Any questions or comments leave them below and I will respond as quickly as possible.

In association with Hampton Book Award.



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