A Short-Cut to Sales and Reviews
The Blood Suckers of Orphans.
Yeah I know that's dramatic to say however, the industry is loaded with leaches and takers, with todays writers barreled over for way to long.
Major Books sites like it just the way it is while the rest are at their mercy.
The #metoo movement sparked an awaking for the country and the world.
The book . . . may need something similar.
The top book sites should have an online reader that is exclusive to members and those who read the book or put it in their reading shelf, after three months they must review or they lose the book from their shelf and cannot read it again unless they give it a review.
Online readers should be innovative, it only makes sense, to help those who want to sell eBooks but is willing to forgo some sales if promised reviews. While this idea should not limit the prospective buyer it would enhance the buying experience with choice.
This very idea would give Authors the tools to sells future eBooks, most indie authors today never get a single review, as to how major book sites do not address this problem is because they lost site in what the author really needs.
it is called Reviews, Reviews, Reviews, it is that simple.
And is more needed in today’s saturated marketed, unfortunately it is also less effective in recent years, for these reason I doubt anything will be done especially when the author is given more tools to keep their book free would and might affect a book sites bottom line.
With today’s technology to create such a tool would be fast and easy to implement. This major tool is a game changer, book sites such as smashwords and Amazon...etc have shown their true colors the absents specks volumes to their greed or bad stewardship and the captain is negligent, stopping all ship repairs while capturing too many fishes for a small baul.
If you have gone for more than a year without any sales or any reviews it is not your fault, the blame is theirs alone. However, if you are a review less author and worse you have been abandoned by the algorithm gods that has discriminated against you like an orphan without sales. The good news is, the dilemma you find yourself in is not permanent, and the bad news is you are on your own.
Indie authors today cannot wait for the algorithm gods to be nice or wait for the public to finally wake up to your genius.
It must be stolen back... period.
What they have done for the paid ad authors they should have likewise done for their authors left behind the algorithm lines.
Some bloggers over the years have written to embrace your obscurity, but they unfortunately have fallen for the paradigm, to which it only makes big book retailers/sites stronger.
Smashwords founder Mark Coker written The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success, in my case none of his advice helped, representatives on their end said it was because I had no reviews…no duh? lol
Amazon never got back to me, well because apparently at the time Jeff Bezo was too busy fighting the tabloids over naked photos of himself and his divorce splashed over the media made him a busy man...yeah right!
I search all over the net what could be the solution to my problem of course the obvious would be perhaps my writing needed help, however, that would be difficult for anyone to believe, especially if you are a twenty year seasoned writer honing your craft year after year.
When I finished reading Mr. Coker's book I was struck by his algorithm arrogance. It screamed I’m going to do nothing for you, once you failed to make a sale, in this saturated market you are on your own, some eBooks however, deserve a second chance, and even a third chance, there is none of that at Smashwords or any other major book sites, which gives them the moniker the blood suckers of orphans.
Mr. Coker sadly believes you too should embrace your obscurity
Secret 7: Embrace your obscurity
That is the most absurd thing to say to an indie author, that is like saying the surgeon cut me open and took out the cancer and put back only the organs I needed, well guess what you need all of your organs it’s there for a reason.
Embrace your obscurity…really? that’s a loser’s mentality.
The reason why they preach this nonsense, they do not want you to wake up and have a rebellion, it would be bad for their bottom line, the more free choices the author has, the less money they (fear) will make.
Embrace your mind; Embrace the time it took to write your master piece. And kill obscurity, by posting stunts on YouTube; make sure it relates to the subject matter of your book, for instant if you write an action spy book, make sure it relates to the theme and subject of your book. If this is not something you are into then make videos reading your synopsis then do something zany, weird, funny, this will cut threw and potentially go viral, and help sales and reviews, kill obscurity by creating visual content.
Yap books can take the words of your chapters and put visual images to your books.
Embracing your obscurity will limit you to all other possibilities and allow established authors to squeeze you out of any potential profits.
Lastly contact these sites and demand a change.
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In association with Hampton Book Award.
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