Do You Hate Hollywood?

Do most people want to live in Hollywood?

The short answer is yes... especially today's generation.

Kids and young adults have grown up inspired to be an influencer a mover and shaker, this means high school popularity nowadays is not enough sadly the most successful are that of dancing working girls who thinks it's okay to emulate other women celebrities... where as the average woman looks more foolish, why because it's a young skinny woman with a butti game.

You can find Hollywood in a few places from Los Angeles to New York City and New Jersey the pick is yours.

At the end of the journey weather you are a actor or writer and director and a influwazee many people will fail to make a dent.

My best advice DIY because only you can see the full vision even when no one else can see it.

For those who are near the brass the one's behind you.

The internet for several years has even the playing field however the big major studios still hold much of the power.

These studios will never give a newbie a hugh stake from out the gate and therein lays the problem, writers and actors and directors must demand it... but ask yourself haven't they?...sadly for many years, but tours the wrong people.

We might be further along at this day and age.

If the system hasn't change back then or in recent times meet our full satisfaction, it never will.

It is a revolving door...a trap!

It's time to take the power back. The talented should have more of a stake in the game and treated like a partner.

Stream drill writers and actors and directors should never not afford to attend any industry ceremony, having to scrape and borrow to rent a tucks.

Mean while an influenwazee is going shopping... there is something inherently wrong with this scenario.

The new agreement with the unions and studios in my opinion falls short of what is truly needed.

With A.I it can do both destroy or build. 

Now is the time to take advantage of it and instead of moaning or complaining let's reimagine Hollywood as did Bollywood.

First lets come up with a new name then a new location for a new utopian Hollywood... (Feel free to leave your suggestions) So that anyone who is apart of a successful film or show can celebrate all the way to the bank.


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