Eat Publishers For Breakfast!

(Updated) FIRST PUBLISHED NOV 28, 2020 · PUBLIC 1140,290 Reads

For those of you who have sent manuscripts and e-books to Publishers will know the wait is horrible.

And can expect a response anywhere from 4-6 weeks. The truth is many will never receive a response, those that do, an email notice will generally turn grim.

The rejection for some is down right debilitating, for others depression hits hard.

But for a few, perseverance is the only option.

"Each of the big publishers receives 3,000 – 5,000 fiction manuscripts a year, yet only 5 – 10 of those will be accepted for publication. Most of those manuscripts are rejected on the first few paragraphs and some aren’t read at all."

With all the advance technology the industry has at it's finger tips SHOULD remedy this problem... right? a software or app that will allow a publisher the ability to spot clearly a winner, is needed more so in todays competitive environment. It is now possible to do this, with an algorithm, which the industry should have done so a long time ago.

It would take but a few presets to click through and... wah-la. Yet as of this moment I have friends who still receive the dreaded automated message response.

In the pass I have returned some of those kind of messages with a response of my own, "keep your message, I have decided to go with a more reputable publisher." this can apply for literary agents too.

Do I think it was bet. Is it from a place of frustration?

In my case I did so as an equalizer, for all those who were passed over, in an unfair system...I make no apologies.'ve written your book, and you are looking for a publisher.

The pressures building up, and you thought you would have an offer by now, and maybe you are beginning to believe you're not a good writer as you thought.

Well...Believe You Are Great!

Take this opportunity to become the best!

But never under any circumstances embrace your obscurity...rather tame it like a wild horse.

Become the Book Whisperer.

Once you have at least improved your writing skills it is your job to flaunt it to those who turned you down, message them, don't sit there and take it.

Message also their colleague's saying so and so needs glasses, let's start a GoFundMe campaign...and actually make an account and set up the page. 

Get it...poke fun at the agent or publisher.

Suggest they should use a Filader App (File Algorithm Reader)

So as to avoid such messages.

Some of you might be concern that the industry would some how Barr or block your success... well you never needed them all that much in the first place, but then again if your so bent, don't give your real name, this works well with individuals who are not self published. 

But if you have guts, go for it.

And who knows maybe in a strange way they might give you a second look, its doubtful, don't think of it... seriously.

Instead DIY build your fan base...and have them come running.

Let the bidding wars begin!


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